Yoga & Mindfulness Consulting
Why do you need us?
Educators - Sports Teams - Businesses - Health Care Workers - Large & Small Groups
Stress has been named a public health crisis. According to Business.com, some of the negative effects of excessive stress include:
Lack of energy
Lack of focus
Constant worry
Reduced creativity
Negative effects on personality
Core Balance Stress Relief Consulting offers tools to your employees or group to combat the effects of stress, including mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing work and movement. Studies show these practices can improve mental clarity, overall well being and productivity.
“The myth that multitasking is a success skill has been exploded. Instead, it’s the person who can focus, execute, move on, and do it again (and again, and again…) who sustains success. Practicing some form of meditation that enhances mindfulness has been found to be one of the “meta factors” that distinguishes some of our culture’s most successful business leaders and performers across disciplines.”
Gary Simonds, MD and Wayne Sotile, PhD
Public Speaking/Consulting
Leah has years of Public Speaking experience and can deftly speak to your group about many subjects, including but not limited to, mindfulness, stress relief, yoga and movement, and being present.
Private/Small Group Yoga
All levels or beginner yoga, Chair Yoga, breathing work, mindfulness, meditation and more. We will tailor a program to suit your needs.
Mindfulness Training
Stress can make us frazzled and disconnected. Introducing mindfulness techniques can help a person feel calm, centered and peaceful.

Let's Chat
Email: corebalanceyoga@gmail.com